Overall Experience

This consumer simulation has given me a lot of knowledge into what life will be like after college. It has emphasized the importance of making decisions in the real world because there will be times when a tough decision has to be made. The only possible hurdle that I can see coming up is actually finding a job as a software developer as I will probably find it hard to prove myself and my available skills since I am more of an introvert. If I am able to secure a job then I will be able to live comfortably and pay off loans pretty quickly.

It's going to be tough to reach my goals set in this simulation, but if it fails then I will at least have a fallback of web development potentially. This simulation gave me a better understanding of making choices, especially the budgeting part to make sure that all the bills get paid off when they are due.


One suggestion I would make is to set deadlines for each section of the consumer simulation so that people will feel less inclined to wait until later to work on it. Also perhaps try having more check-ins to see where people are at since I didn't get much work after my check-in until a week or two ago. Finally, encourage more diversity in how projects are done. While creating all of this website was time consuming I still enjoyed it because it allowed me to practice web developing a bit more than I have done in the past.